It's rather ironic that my last post was about my training philosophy where I made the point about being flexible, because this past week I have had to be very flexible.
Usually I ride on Tuesdays (due to my son's activity schedule) but I decided to ride on Monday this week instead. I did my favorite hill route three times, and would have done it again if I hadn't run out of time. I was breaking in some new tri shoes, and I don't have the cleats adjusted quite right yet unfortunately, as evidenced by my (thankfully slight) right knee pain that followed the ride. The only thing of note on the ride was a jerky older guy who passed me very close without warning. He was on the left, which is good, but at most, there was 2 inches between our handle bars. I was over to the far right, so it wasn't like I was riding in the middle of the road and he needed to do it or anything. He was just a jerk.
On Tuesday I had a migraine, so my planned gym workout didn't happen. I'm beginning to think it might be time to go back on the preventative meds. Ugh.
Wednesday I did a track session: 8 x 400s. My fast 400s were all between 1:45 and 1:57. That may not sound fast, but it's pretty good for me. And I upped the number (from 6 to 8) without changing the time, which made me feel pretty good. I had had other plans, but we had a surprise visit from my in-laws (we were maybe expecting them on Thursday) which was lovely. We hadn't seen my MIL for about a year, so it was a great reason to change up my workout plans.
Thursday was a planned rest day, not only because of the possible visit that happened a day early, but also because another friend we hadn't seen in a few months was coming to stay with us for a few days. So chilling with some good food and drink seemed like a good plan.
Friday I did my 10km trail run with fartleks. I did the run in just over 56 minutes! I remember the first time I cracked 60 minutes on that run last summer. It's so nice to see progress, not just in how I feel, but also in my times. Work really does pay off, it's just sometimes slow.
I had planned to trying to get a workout in on the weekend, but that plan didn't work out either. It was rainy on Saturday, the little guy had a birthday party, and I was on the verge of a migraine. And then on Sunday morning I was in the ER with the boy (nothing too serious, thankfully, but something that couldn't wait until Monday when the doc is open). It wasn't too busy, which was good. But that blew up any plans I had for a swim (which I desperately need!).
Why am I bothering to post my training? First, it keeps me honest. If I have to post it, I'm more likely to do it. Second, and this is really my main motivation I think, is to have information out there on the web on how real people train. There are lots of plans available, and I have no doubt that lots of people follow them. But not all of us have time. But we all have time to do something. This way people can see what kinds of results I do (or don't) get and with what kind of training. I have gone looking for this kind of thing (a 'regular' person's routine) many a time, but couldn't find it. So I'm putting mine out there. Feel free to use it as a guide on how not to train to succeed in triathlon!
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